Making DMP Tools Actionable


As part of Data Stewardship 2019 lecture this tools allows to extract machine-actionable DMPs (maDMPs) from RDMO, a popular tool for managing DMPs.

This tool is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2019 Gerald Weber, Helmuth Breitenfellner

View the Project on GitHub helmuthb/dmp-tools-actionable

Field Mapping from RDMO to RDA DMP Common Standard

RDA DMP Field RDMO source
title title
description description
language * always set to en
created created
modified * latest modification date of any value
ethical_issues_exist * loop through datasets
contact coordination/name split into name and email
project.start schedule/project_start
project.end schedule/project_end
cost * loop through cost-entries
dataset.title dataset/id
dataset.type dataset/format
dataset.description * combined from various fields
dataset.data_quality_assurance dataset/quality_assurance
dataset.personal_data dataset/sensitive_data/personal_data_yesno/yesno
dataset.sensitive_data dataset/sensitive_data/other/yesno
dataset.distribution.description * combined from various fields
dataset.distribution.license.license_ref dataset/sharing/sharing_license
dataset.distribution.license.start_date dataset/data_publication_date

Special Cases

Language Field language

As the RDMO data model does not have a field for the language of a project this field is set to English for all DMPs.

Field modified

In RDMO, the field updated more or less corresponds to the modified field in the RDA DMP Common Standard. However, since RDMO uses a relational database model, the updated field of a project is only changed if the fields in the corresponding table are updated.

To get a more natural interpretation of the last modification date the tool is looking for the latest modification of any field or value in the RDMO data and uses this value as the modified field in the RDA DMP Common Standard.

Field ethical_issues_exist

The tool uses the following logic:

Substructure cost

All cost-related entries in RDMO are parsed. The entries are added as sub-entries to the cost element, using the following translation logic:

Field dataset.description

Since there are fields in RDMO with no direct mapping to RDA DMP Common Standard, the field dataset.description is filled with data from other RDMO fields:

Field dataset.distribution.description

Since there are fields in RDMO with no direct mapping to RDA DMP Common Standard, the field dataset.distribution.description is filled with data from other RDMO fields: